Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The iSchools Project in Caraga

CICT and the iSchools Project in Caraga
The Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT) iSchools Project aims to integrate information and communications technology (ICT) in education to strengthen classroom learning and instruction by expanding access to various sources of information. The government’s initiative of integrating ICT in education hopes to enable our public high school graduates to be at par or globally competitive with their peers in all parts of the world. Further, the project aims to:
  • Build the ICT literacy and competency of Public High School (PHS) Teachers such that they can integrate ICT in teaching and learning
  • Build the capability of DepEd regional and division ICT coordinators such that they can handle similar undertakings in the future
  • Facilitate the cooperation between various educational institutions in the local area, State University and Colleges (SUC) – PHS partnership.

This project will help enhance classroom learning of the PHS students and develop instruction strategies for the teachers utilizing various sources of information. The project hopes to produce students who are adept to emerging technologies, and aims to make the mentors more updated to some learning techniques and utilize the information highway that the internet brings.

This year, a total of 320 public high schools were selected as recipients of the iSchools Project all over the Philippines. Seven (7) out of 320 public high schools were identified as beneficiaries from the different municipalities and cities here in CARAGA Region.

Twenty-one (21) computers, one multimedia projector, 2 air-conditioning systems, 1-year free internet service and a 3-in-1 printer, scanner and copier will be provided to the recipient schools.

By the year 2010, the project aims to deploy internet-connected computer laboratories to over 5000 public high schools nationwide.

The Implementing Team
This project is implemented and governed by the SUCs (State Universities and Colleges) as the local partners in every region. Here in Caraga, the Northern Mindanao State Institute of Science and Technology (NORMISIST) is the implementing arm of the CICT - HCDG’s program.

Faculties in the College of Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT) lead the implementation of the project for the recipient schools with the strong support by the President, Dr. Edgar W. Ignacio.

The NORMISIST campus is located at Barangay Ampayon, Butuan City.

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