Tuesday, September 4, 2007

MSU-IIT tops 4th Mindanao-wide ECE Quiz Show
Sept. 4, 2007, Jeffrey T. Dellosa

MSU-IIT BSECE team deposed host Mindanao Polytechnic State College (MPSC) team in the third tie-break question to bag 1st place in the recently concluded 4th Mindanao-wide ECE Quiz Show dubbed as the “Cerebrum Extreme” held in MPSC Gym last September 2, 2007.
It was a “do-or-die” situation for both teams to earn a free trip to Manila for the National Quiz Show after tying the score in the 3rd and final round in the elimination. MSU-IIT should have booked the top seat earlier on after failing to provide correctly the first letter of what SCADA stands for (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). During the 2nd question, both teams got the right answer from a communication objective type question. A robotic question thereafter finally broke the tie.

MSU-IIT team took home Php5000 in cash and a plaque, 1st runner-up MPSC team also received Php3000 and plaque while 2nd runner-up Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan claimed Php2000 and a plaque courtesy of the sponsor of the quiz show - STEAG State Power, Inc.

The three teams will represent the Northern Mindanao region in the National Finals to be held on November 23-24 this year in Manila. Stiffer competition is expected as the three teams will face top universities from the National Capital Region.

There were fifteen ECE teams from different universities and colleges from all over northern Mindanao who joined the competition. They are the Northern Mindanao State Institute of Science and Technology (NORMISIST), De La Salle University of Ozamis, Liceo de Cagayan, St. Peter’s College of Iligan, Central Mindanao University, St. Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT) Butuan City, Capitol University, and MSU Marawi among other schools.

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